
What is the Application and Registration Process for Philos?
Philo affiliates must complete an application using a link sent from the Advisor of the Philo affiliate chapter.  The Philo affiliate intake process inc...
Mon, 22 Apr, 2024 at 3:38 PM
What is the New Member Philo Fee?
The New Member Philo fee is $75 plus a $5 credit card processing fee. The total amount due at the time the application is submitted is $80.
Mon, 22 Apr, 2024 at 3:38 PM
Is a Transfer Form Needed for a Philo Transfer Into a Higher Chapter?
The purpose of this article is to clarify when a transfer form is needed for a Philo. Philo Affiliates can only move to a higher chapter during the TORC...
Mon, 22 Apr, 2024 at 3:38 PM
Where can the Advisor find the Philo application link for applicants?
The link that is sent to Philo applicants is found in the calendar clearance email that is sent to the email address associated with affiliate chapter profi...
Mon, 22 Apr, 2024 at 3:38 PM