The purpose of this article is to clarify when a transfer form is needed for a Philo.

Philo Affiliates can only move to a higher chapter during the TORCH season. 

A transfer form is not needed for Philo Affiliates that are moving to an Undergraduate or Alumnae chapter during the TORCH season. Instead, the TORCH Facilitator/ Advisor would add the former Philo affiliate to the Invite Applicants tab along with the other applicants they would like to invite to Formal Rush.

Please note, if the Philo affiliate wants to use the same email address for their TORCH invitation, the TORCH Facilitator / Advisor must open a Help Desk ticket to request that the email and username be removed from the former Philo profile so that they can be reused on the new profile being set up for TORCH.

Here are the steps to follow to submit a Help Desk ticket.

1. Sign onto the national website using your user credentials (username and password). 

2. Click the HELP CENTER menu item at the top of the page or the Help Center widget at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen

3. Next, click the New Support Ticket option to enter your request.

4. Next, fill in all required fields. Required fields are marked by a red asterisk. Click the yellow SUBMIT button to save your request. Don't forget to verify that you are a real person by clicking the "I'm not a robot" box before you click SUBMIT.


If you do not remember your user credentials, you can also click this link: Sigma Gamma Rho Help Center CLICK HERE and click New Support Ticket. Then follow steps 3 and 4 above to submit your request for assistance.