Did you complete the TORCH Level II training, and the certificate is not showing on your e-Learning Center?

Allow up to 2 weeks for reflection of a Level II certification.  After the 2 weeks have passed and the certification still is not reflected, please submit a ticket to the Sigma Gamma Rho Help Center. CLICK HERE!

Did you register for the TORCH II Level II training, but the enrollment is not showing on your e-Learning Center?

Please try registering again. It is possible that the registration record did not save properly before you exited. If you did re-register and the training is still not showing, please submit a ticket to the Sigma Gamma Rho Help Center. CLICK HERE! 

In the Ticket Description, make sure that you include: 1) Your Member ID and 2) The date of the TORCH II Training class that you are trying to register for.