There are several factors that may cause a registration error:

(1) Email Address. Please confirm you are using a different email address to register 

each person. Each registration must have a unique email address associated with it.

If the same email address is associated with two different member and/or affiliate 

profiles in the ICHQ membership database (iMIS), one of the emails must be 

changed before the system will allow you to register. 

(2) Financial Status. All members and affiliates must be financial on all levels to 

register. To confirm your financial status:

• Go to the national website ( and log into your profile 

• Click on your name

• Click on the “Financial Status” tab

• Confirm all three levels (local, regional, national) say “True”

If you recently paid dues, after your chapter administrator and/or regional officer 

completes the online clearance process in iMIS, please allow 1 business day for the 

registration platform to recognize your updated financial status. 

(3) Safari Internet Browser. Members, affiliates, and guests using the Safari internet 

browser may encounter technical issues/errors when registering. Preferred internet 

browsers are Chrome, Edge, or Firefox

If none of these suggestions offer a viable solution, please create a ticket with Help Desk and a member ICHQ would be happy to assist you.