I really need the link so that my aspirants can proceed with TORCH Module training.

Candidates can proceed with TORCH Module training after they have paid their induction fee invoice and added their blazer size information. This article provides step-by-step instructions to complete these tasks.

Paying Induction Fee Invoice:

Once the calendar is cleared for Education Module Training Approval (EMTA), the chapter will receive the TORCH EMTA Clearance email, the Aspirant accounts will change to Candidates and the Induction Fee Invoice will be posted. 

The Induction Fee Invoice is available on the Members Only website under the candidate's profile. The steps below provide step-by-step instructions to assist the candidates with paying their induction fees.

STEP 1: Sign into the national website using your credentials. Go to your personal profile by clicking your name in the blue bar at the upper right-hand side of the page. 


A picture containing diagram 
Description automatically generated 

STEP 2: Pay the invoice by following these steps.

  • Click on the “FINANCIAL STATUS” tab. 
  • Then scroll down to the Open Invoices section. 
  • Click the box to the left of the "Cash-xxxxx" invoice. 
  • Click ADD TO CART button and proceed to Checkout. 




Once on the Checkout page, enter in card information to submit payment.


Adding Blazer Size Information:

The Membership Chair (or Advisor if Undergraduate Chapter) must send the bottom half of the EMTA Clearance email to the candidates so they can add their blazer size information.  

The steps below provide step-by-step instructions to assist the candidates with adding their blazer information. 

STEP 1Add and Save your blazer size by clicking the Add Blazer Size Portal link sent from your Advisor. 



STEP 2: Add your blazer size using the dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the page and then click Save. There is a PDF to assist you with selecting the correct size on the left above the model’s head. Click the link above the model's head to open the Blazer Size Guide PDF for help with picking the correct size.

