The current company administrator of a Chapter can grant the permission and add a member as a new administrator through the Chapter's profile.
Keep in mind, the system may take up to 24 hours to refresh on the member side. Please allow the mentioned timeframe for all security tables and tabs to become visible.
You can also submit a Help Desk ticket to request ICHQ assistance with this task.
Here are the steps to follow to submit a Help Desk ticket for your request.
1. Sign onto the national website using your user credentials (username and password).
2. Click the HELP CENTER menu item at the top of the page or the Help Center widget at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
3. Next, click the New Support Ticket option to enter your request.
4. Next, fill in all required fields. Required fields are marked by a red asterisk.
QUICK TIP: When submitting a helpdesk ticket requesting administrator access, be sure to include the following information to ensure accuracy of the requested permissions. Also, please include the accounts (if applicable) that need removal.
- Full Name of Member and Member ID
- Chapter(s) in which access is needed
- Designated Status/ Title of Member
- Timeframe of Role
Click the yellow SUBMIT button to save your request. Don't forget to verify that you are a real person by clicking the "I'm not a robot" box before you click SUBMIT.
If you do not remember your user credentials, you can also click this link: Sigma Gamma Rho Help Center CLICK HERE and click New Support Ticket. Then follow steps 3 and 4 above to submit your request for assistance.