Rhoer Club charters and reactivations can be completed year-round!

The first step is to contact your Regional Rhoer Coordinator who can answer your questions about the national and regional requirements necessary for chartering or reactivating a Rhoer Club. 

Once the Regional Rhoer Coordinator approves the request to charter or reactivate the Rhoer Club, they can submit a request to the Membership Services Coordinator at ICHQ to request that the new Rhoer Club profile be created, or the status of an inactive Rhoer Club be updated.

If the Graduate chapter is submitting the request directly, then please provide confirmation from the Regional Rhoer Coordinator that the chapter has been approved to charter or reactivate the Rhoer Club. You will also need to provide the following information to create the profile.

  • The name of the Rhoer Advisor from the Graduate chapter.
  • The email address for the Rhoer Club.
  • The mailing address for the Rhoer Club.

Additional resources are available on the national website which provides information about the different roles and responsibilities for Rhoer Coordinators and Rhoer Advisors. These can be reviewed to help with understanding the responsibilities of the Rhoer Club Advisor. 

To navigate to these resources, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Members Only website using your user credentials. Members Only Portal
  2. Go to the Rhoer Affiliate page. From the top menu bar, highlight AFFILIATES and then click Rhoer Affiliate. If you click the AFFILIATES menu item instead of highlighting it, the system will bring you to the Affiliate Page then you can select Rhoer Affiliate on the right-hand side menu.