Do you want to become a Member-at-Large?  Verification approval is required.

Members who choose to hold Member-at-Large status must be verified that they indeed live more than 30 miles from the nearest chapter and be approved by their Regional Syntaktes.  

NOTE: Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. members are only eligible for Member-at-Large status if they live more than 30 miles from the nearest chapter and may be asked to provide proof of residence to this fact.

If you would like to become a Member-At-Large, you will have to create a transfer request. Please review the Member level video for instructions on how to create a transfer request to Member-At-Large. You will search for Member-At-Large by your region. For example, under destination chapter you could search "Northeastern Member-At-Large."

See the below instructional videos on how to proceed with the necessary steps to complete a successful Transfer.

1. Member Steps: Member Level

2. Chapter Steps: Chapter Level

3. Regional Steps: Regional Level