What is Reactivation?
The Sisterhood of Sigma Gamma Rho offers various membership types to embody the full participation of the members' lifecycle. We understand that life brings about changes that may place a temporary hold towards a members'' dedicated choice to fully participate financially. When this happens, we welcome the opportunity for Soros to Reactivate at their membership at their convenience.
Qualifications for Reactivation
Many Sorors have asked what the qualifying factors are to Reactivate or may feel that too much time has passed. Simply put, a member is considered inactive after 1 or more sorority years have passed without satisfactory remittance and cleared of the National Dues process. There is no timeframe of when a member has to submit a Reactivation request. If you meet the 1 year or more qualifications on inactivity you may choose to Reactivate at ANYTIME. The process is accessible 24/7 on the public domain www.sgrho1922.org.
Please be sure to read all instructions and follow all the prompts to make sure we receive your application. If you receive a "OOOPS!" message at the end, this is a known bug and is being worked on. Please know that your form is still being submitted and staff will be working on it very soon!
Next Steps:
You can check the status of your invoice at any time by logging in to the Member Portal, opening the Financial Status Tab, and searching for your Open Invoice during this time period.
We thank you in advance for your patience. Welcome Home Soror!
QUICK TIP: You will not be able to view the invoice for National Dues until the Chapter/Region in which you are Reactivating provides clearance. Please inform you Chapter/Region of your intent to Reactivate to initiate the process.